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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Road Trip to Ipoh – Part 3 - Blog Makanan di Perak - Blogger - Blog Makanan di Perak

Road Trip to Ipoh – Part 3 - Blog <b>Makanan di Perak</b> - Blogger - Blog Makanan di Perak

Road Trip to Ipoh – Part 3 - Blog <b>Makanan di Perak</b> - Blogger

Posted: 21 Mar 2014 01:26 AM PDT

Another reason to travel all the way to Ipoh is definitely the FOOD and this is why people keep coming back. Oh my, we have been spoilt with all the delicious local foods there. Since we were there for just a short trip over the weekend, we only have to 2 days just to fulfil our appetite. So, this is it!

Nasi Ganja

Once reached the town, we started with our first selection which is the famous Nasi Ganja or Nasi Kandar Ayam Merah or Nasi Vanggey or whatever local called it for our lunch. Did we missed any of their name? We opt for the one in Restoran Yong Suan (yes the stall is located inside the Chinese Coffee Shop) at Jalan Yang Kalsom which is near to the Pekan Baru Police Station. It will be easier if you could spot Hotel Bajet Memori Ipoh (painted in yellow) and the restaurant is just in front of it. As mentioned by locals, the meal could be addictive at times and that's the reason why it was called as 'Nasi Ganja'.

Verdict? Ermm, is just not the best nasi kandar that we had in our life. But, doesn't harm trying.



Mee Kari / Kicap Daud Mat Jasak

We found out about this place as we read through ThatSoFarah blog talking about how she and the whole family used to have this whenever they are in Ipoh . It's her family's favourite eatery. It's a little bit tricky to find this small shop as this is our first time there and we have to make a few big rounds at Jalan Dato Onn Jaafar just to find the shop. We waited for about 15 – 20 minutes just to secure a table and we reminded ourself that 'this better be good' as we're super hungry at that point of time.  We choose to have both which is the 'Mee Kari' and 'Mee Kicap'. We dig into the bowl once it was served and it's gone in just a few minutes. Everything was so good! The gravy, the fresh ingredients, the taste. Ohhhhh. Missing it so much.



Medan Selera Dato Sagor

We randomly choose to have our breakfast here as we wanted to do the Ipoh Heritage walk right after that. Medan Selera Dato Sagor is located exactly behind the Ipoh Town Hall and near to Ipoh State Mosque. This is where you'll experience the 1 Malaysia theme when multi racial are under the same roof. You got to taste a little bit of Malay cuisine, Chinese cuisine and even Indian cuisine too just to kick off your day. Amazing!

Freshly made hot "Apom", one of our Indian cuisine. When it is hot, the edge of the apom is very crispy while the center is soft. Normally eaten with sweet or spicy thick coconut gravy. But we just love to have it with plain curry.

Nasi Lemak Rendang, a complete meal for both of the guys.

Roti Goyang, the highlight of all! Crispy bread toast topped with half boiled eggs. The taste was awesome!

Ipoh Hainan Chicken Rice

Last but not least, the Ipoh Hainan Chicken Rice. It wouldn't be complete if you did not try a plate of Hainan Chicken Rice before leaving. This is one of the Halal Chicken Rice in town and it's located at Jalan Anderson (just a short distance away from the Hospital roundabout) and another shop just behind the Greentown Mall (next to DWJ Hotel).  We opt to have our lunch at the Greentown Suria shop lots as there are ample parking lots provided.



Ipoh Pamelo / Limau Bali Ipoh

Last but not least, our next hunting was the Ipoh's famous fruit which is Ipoh Pamelo or 'Limau Bali Ipoh' just to wash away and detox everything that we had earlier. Naaaah, just kidding. It was mentioned that the best and juiciest pamelos are reputed to be from Tambun. There are stretches of stalls selling pamelos along Jalan Raja Nazrin Shah (Jalan Gopeng) adjacent to Sam Poh Tong Temple to cater tourist driving in and out of Ipoh. We bought a numbers of it at En. Muhammad Ridhuan stall (Stall No.28) at a very good good good deal! He and his wife was so generous.




So, what are you guys waiting for then?

Simply us,
Zara AB & FF
The Province of Chroma

Pelik</b> Ikan Mola-Mola Muncul - Blog <b> - Blog <b>Makanan di Perak</b>

Posted: 14 May 2014 01:12 AM PDT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Adooooiii...tibe2 rase nak makan penampo makanan

Orang Perak....

Rase lame benor tak dapat melantak makanan Perak nih..

Mak abah aku mmg terer le bab-bab masak ni..

lagi Pak Ajit tu..

Mengalahkan Chef Wan~ Tu ~Tri ~Por!

Ni nak masukkan gambo2 makanan & minuman yang biase

mak abah aku masak utk kami anak beranak...


Buah Kantor

Abah aku suke benor beli buah ni time bulan puasa...
aku pulak paling tak gemor bende ni.. Kalo time berbuka 
tu sanggup le minum ayor lain (even ayor masak sklipun)

sbb xnak rase buah ni...xtau le nape...bukan xsedap..

cume xgemor le...

Serawa Kuinin/Macang

 Perghhh~~ Sedap benor le serawe ni... Lagi2 kalo letaknye ais...

Menambah-nambah dibuatnye...

Ni abah aku le suke buat...kalo ade kuinin je

mesti dia beli santan siap2...

nak dibuatnye serawa
(xpun buat sambal kuinin)

Pais Ikan

Pais ni aku suke gak makan... Selagi namenye ikan mesti aku

makan...kecuali gulai tempoyak je laa...

tu pun kuah je aku xmakan...

Ikan dia aku telan..


Pajeri Nenas

 Ya Allah~ Sedapnye la wey...jgn kate la bai... Bapak aku jugak le yg suke beli ni utk makan tghari... Meletop!

Sedap gile makan ngan nasik panas!!

Masak Lemak Pisang

 Bapak aku lagi!!! Ni kalo bapak aku msak...mmg belemak betul...

lepas makan bleh trus potong kaki leee....
Diabetes punye pasal~~

Sambal Petai

 Uuii mak...sedapnye la wey...tgok je pun dah Tap! Tap!

ayor lior teman...

Mak aku le yg pandai masak sambal ni...

Petai dia rase fresh je bile makan

Crunchy gitu...

Kalo org len masak petai rase lemau...

(tapi dah kurang makan petai skrg)

Taucu Ikan kayu

Ni aku sedap gak...tapi aku kurang sket makan...mungkin

aku xsuke makanan masam2 kot...

Tempoyak Masak

Sedapnye la haiiii.... Aku tak suke gulai tempoyak...tapi kalo tempoyak masak aku bedal.



Dah citer pasal lauk-pauk...kita cakap pasal kudap2 n kuih-muih pulak...

Nom~ Nom~ Nom~


Ni bukan dadah yea adik-adik...

ni la Sagon...atau org panggil sagu..

Rasenye sedap~~ Alhamdulillah!

Tapi bila nak makan kena hati2...jgn sampai tersedak...

kalo dah tersedak boleh teberak!!!


Kuih Limas

Rase kuih ni manis2... Makan ni pun hati2...sebab meleleh-leleh je...

kang belemoih!!


Kuih Siput

Selalu dihidang time raye...

time tak raye pon ade...

seronok makan depan tv...

Ngap! Ngap! Ngap!


Pergh!! Feveret aku...

dulu selalu la jumpa time kenduri...

xkire la kenduri ape pun...

tapi sekarang dah kurang lee...

nak buat pon renyah~~



Mak aku kalo dapat ubi kayu mesti buat penjan ni
tapi kalo malas xda masa dia rebus je..

cicah ngan nyior garam

dia suruh belajo makan care org dulu2...

(yelaaaa tu~)


Tepek Pisang/Tepek Nyior

Bahasa senangnye lempeng le...tapi kalo sebut lempeng

xde le macam bunyi PERAKnyeee...

cakap pasal tepek nyior aku teringat ngan bekas kapten aspuri

aku time sekolah dulu...

Selalu panggil dia tepek nyior...

xtau nape...tapi dia bersajak sedap!

sedap cam tepek nyior

cube teka ape nama kuih ni... kalo dapat aku bg hadiah...
(ni betul2 punya...bukan COBAAN)


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