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Friday, April 11, 2014

Val-de-ri-Val-de-ra: KL-Perak-Pahang - Blog Makanan di Perak - Blog Makanan di Perak

Val-de-ri-Val-de-ra: KL-Perak-Pahang - Blog <b>Makanan di Perak</b> - Blog Makanan di Perak

Val-de-ri-Val-de-ra: KL-Perak-Pahang - Blog <b>Makanan di Perak</b>

Posted: 04 Apr 2014 01:09 AM PDT

The first part of our travelling mission was from KL to Perak.

We took the ETS train from KL Sentral to Batu Gajah, Perak.

*Something new for us. Electronic train that need to be charged :D

It took us about 2 hours and 15 minutes to reach our destination.

Oh hey, let me introduce you my partner along this trip: Caroline

A Chinese girl from Sibu district, Sarawak.

We are of the same class, undertaking the B. Ed TESL ;)

RM 34 from KL-BT Gajah. Okay la as inside was conducive and comfortable :)

We stayed at our friend's house, Wawa during the visit to Perak.

She is a Malay girl from Batu Gajah, Perak.

Thanks for the great treatment and hospitality! ^___^

The next morning, we went to Cameron Highlands as early as possible since it was holiday, Deepavali celebration and thanks that we did not stuck anywhere.. Hehe

Why I mentioned Pahang in the title as above?

Cameron Highlands is in Pahang state aite aite. Haha

View of CH from top of Rose Valley
Among the places that we have visited:

Tea Garden

MARDI farm
Rose Valley *but no roses captured here. LOL
Happy kid among the tomatoes and flowers, Rose Valley CH.

We also went to places like cactus garden *sound cliche aite.. haha and I bought few cactuses that is varied in colors. *Blame the stunning bright colours!

Another thing that attracted me was the building around Cameron Highlands. They built it with traditional European look which gave the whole environment pretty much of European air too. Hahaha. I would love to be back again here, soon! ^__^

The last point before we leave the hill was a market *aisssshh i really forgot the nammmeee >< where they sell almost everything about Cameron Highlands. From tea to car accessories, and mostly was strawberry-based. Super cute u know! Hahahaha.. I managed to bring back teas in different flavour, fridge magnet and pickled strawberry as well.

Thanks to our guide, and our driver as well Cik Wawa that accompanied us along the visit to Cameron Highlandsss.. :)

THE END of the first part.

Pic courtesy: Caroline

P/S: I am a Dusun girl from Menggatal, Sabah. And if you realise what I'm trying to convey here. Hehehe. One-Malaysia =D

Road Trip to Ipoh – Part 3 - Blog <b>Makanan di Perak</b> - Blogger

Posted: 21 Mar 2014 01:26 AM PDT

Another reason to travel all the way to Ipoh is definitely the FOOD and this is why people keep coming back. Oh my, we have been spoilt with all the delicious local foods there. Since we were there for just a short trip over the weekend, we only have to 2 days just to fulfil our appetite. So, this is it!

Nasi Ganja

Once reached the town, we started with our first selection which is the famous Nasi Ganja or Nasi Kandar Ayam Merah or Nasi Vanggey or whatever local called it for our lunch. Did we missed any of their name? We opt for the one in Restoran Yong Suan (yes the stall is located inside the Chinese Coffee Shop) at Jalan Yang Kalsom which is near to the Pekan Baru Police Station. It will be easier if you could spot Hotel Bajet Memori Ipoh (painted in yellow) and the restaurant is just in front of it. As mentioned by locals, the meal could be addictive at times and that's the reason why it was called as 'Nasi Ganja'.

Verdict? Ermm, is just not the best nasi kandar that we had in our life. But, doesn't harm trying.



Mee Kari / Kicap Daud Mat Jasak

We found out about this place as we read through ThatSoFarah blog talking about how she and the whole family used to have this whenever they are in Ipoh . It's her family's favourite eatery. It's a little bit tricky to find this small shop as this is our first time there and we have to make a few big rounds at Jalan Dato Onn Jaafar just to find the shop. We waited for about 15 – 20 minutes just to secure a table and we reminded ourself that 'this better be good' as we're super hungry at that point of time.  We choose to have both which is the 'Mee Kari' and 'Mee Kicap'. We dig into the bowl once it was served and it's gone in just a few minutes. Everything was so good! The gravy, the fresh ingredients, the taste. Ohhhhh. Missing it so much.



Medan Selera Dato Sagor

We randomly choose to have our breakfast here as we wanted to do the Ipoh Heritage walk right after that. Medan Selera Dato Sagor is located exactly behind the Ipoh Town Hall and near to Ipoh State Mosque. This is where you'll experience the 1 Malaysia theme when multi racial are under the same roof. You got to taste a little bit of Malay cuisine, Chinese cuisine and even Indian cuisine too just to kick off your day. Amazing!

Freshly made hot "Apom", one of our Indian cuisine. When it is hot, the edge of the apom is very crispy while the center is soft. Normally eaten with sweet or spicy thick coconut gravy. But we just love to have it with plain curry.

Nasi Lemak Rendang, a complete meal for both of the guys.

Roti Goyang, the highlight of all! Crispy bread toast topped with half boiled eggs. The taste was awesome!

Ipoh Hainan Chicken Rice

Last but not least, the Ipoh Hainan Chicken Rice. It wouldn't be complete if you did not try a plate of Hainan Chicken Rice before leaving. This is one of the Halal Chicken Rice in town and it's located at Jalan Anderson (just a short distance away from the Hospital roundabout) and another shop just behind the Greentown Mall (next to DWJ Hotel).  We opt to have our lunch at the Greentown Suria shop lots as there are ample parking lots provided.



Ipoh Pamelo / Limau Bali Ipoh

Last but not least, our next hunting was the Ipoh's famous fruit which is Ipoh Pamelo or 'Limau Bali Ipoh' just to wash away and detox everything that we had earlier. Naaaah, just kidding. It was mentioned that the best and juiciest pamelos are reputed to be from Tambun. There are stretches of stalls selling pamelos along Jalan Raja Nazrin Shah (Jalan Gopeng) adjacent to Sam Poh Tong Temple to cater tourist driving in and out of Ipoh. We bought a numbers of it at En. Muhammad Ridhuan stall (Stall No.28) at a very good good good deal! He and his wife was so generous.




So, what are you guys waiting for then?

Simply us,
Zara AB & FF
The Province of Chroma

MENCARI KONKLUSI - Blog <b>Makanan di Perak</b> - Blogger

Posted: 05 Apr 2014 01:14 AM PDT

Cuba bayangkan ..

Ketika korang sedang jalan-jalan, korang nampak khemah berderet di tepi jalan. Nak cakap orang kahwin, kompang dah ada tapi pengantin pula takde. Nak cakap, kenduri apasal bukan Rela tetapi Polis yang jaga?? Lalu, korang pun turun.... Turun punya turun ... sekali tengok, setiap khemah ada makanan dan makanan tu pulak FREE. Apa perasaan korang? GULP.

Ngeeeeee.... aku? Aku ibarat terkena kejutan elektrik.. Zaaaasss ke sana .. Zasssss ke sini... macam kartun Sonic tu. Kahkahkah. Masih mengekalkan tagline "makan selagi ada gigi".. perghh.. dasyat betul penangan Pesta Makanan Tradisional Lenggong baru-baru ini.

Memang bagus pun event ni sebab dengan adanya Pesta macam ni lah, generasi muda macam aku ni mengenali apa tu Kebebe, Ikan Pais, Kerabu Umbut Payas, Ikan Pindang, Nasi Daun Lerek dan banyak lagi. Mana nak cari makanan sebegini kat KL melainkan korang buat sendiri.. 

pesta makanan lenggong

Rombongan kami disambut dengan kompang

Pesta Makanan Tradisional Lenggong 2014 ni turut disertai oleh Menteri Pelancongan & Kebudayaan Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz, Menteri Besar Perak Datuk Seri Diraja Dr Zamry Abdul Kadir, Bekas Menteri Besar Perak Dato Seri Diraja Mohammad Tajol Rosli, Ahli Parlimen Lenggong, Datuk Shamsul Anuar Nasarah dan ramai lagi. 

 pesta makanan lenggong

Selain dari makan, ada juga artis-artis yang buat persembahan. Salah seorang Ramlah Ram. Tak kisahlah siapa buat persembahan .. Janji, perut kenyang. Bukan senang nak merasa makanan-makanan seperti ni. *now, nak kebebe jam 4 pagi.. mana nak cari??*

yang topi oren ni semua orang kampung teman


akhbar Kosmo adalah antara penaja Pesta Makanan ini

kisah tatie



Setiap kampung akan mempersembahkan makanan tradisional masing-masing. Korang juga boleh salin resepi-resepi makanan tradisional tu. Salin, simpan elok-elok untuk future generation. Entah ada lagi ke tak makanan-makanan ni lagi 50 tahun akan datang. Erk!

kisah tatie

Nak try??

putu mayam

Bahan-bahan nak buat Putu Mayam

yong tau foo

yong tau foo

yong tau foo


kisah tatie

dah lama idamkan nak masak macam ni.. the making of Bubur Asyura

kisah tatie

urmm.. yang ni pun best juga. tapi bila nak ambil gambar.. 

makanan pun dah habis

kisah tatie

Gulai Kemahang


Rendang Daging Hitam

 daging salai

Gulai Lemak Pisang & Daging Salai

kisah tatie

Ikan Pekasam Goreng

resepi kebebe

Resepi Kebebe


kebebe ni ditumbuk dengan cara macam ni baru sedap


okay sumpah sedap. nak lagi please?

masak bersamah nasi ulam

Bahan-bahan untuk Masak Bersamah Nasi Ulam

nasi daun lerek

Nasi Daun Lerek .. no no ini bukan lemang . 

dan banyak lagi .... semua sedap dan FREE. makanlah sebanyak mana..

"Gendang Gendut Tali Kecapi, Kenyang Perut Suka Hati"

kisah tatie

VVIP pun turut memeriahkan setiap booth yang ada

Selain tu, turut diadakan pertandingan-pertandingan memasak .. Seperti Pertandingan Memasak Asyura, Pertandingan Kukur Kelapa, Pertandingan Tumbuk Sambal Belacan, Pertandingan Memasak Pekasam dan banyak lagi. Enjoy lah.. Semua boleh join. Meriah!!!

kukur kelapa

eh, tersesat dalam Pertandingan Kukur Kelapa

 pertandingan memasak

dalam khemah sama, tapi berbeza waktu

tumbuk sambalamboi merah mak ngah.. peserta-peserta Pertandingan Tumbuk Sambal

tumbuk sambal

 masih menggunakan lesung di rumah?? HIGH 5!!

kisah tatie

food presentation

paling teruja, mereka turut menyediakan makanan buat rombongan kami 

Nyum, Nyum, Onomnomnomnom

kisah tatie

makcik-makcik kampung yang peramah

kisah tatie

orang Perak pun teruja, apatah lagi kami yang bukan dari Perak 

kisah tatie

suasana hangat

kisah tatie

makanan dah sedia dihidangkan

masak lemak siput

Masak Lemak Siput .. berbeza daripada Masak Lomak Noghori

ikan panggang

Ikan Panggang

kisah tatie

Masak Keladi

ikan pais

Ikan Pais

kisah tatie

sambal tempoyak dan sambal belacan

and ... and .. and

kisah tatie

kami turut dijamu dengan buah-buahan seperti
 durian, cempedak dan duku langsat

kisah tatie


Kat Pesta Makanan ni juga terdapat booth-booth lain seperti kartunis, RTM, Yayasan Tekun, Tourism Malaysia, Badan Warisan dan banyak lagi. Paling menarik perhatian mestilah booth kartunis yang dikerumuni oleh orang ramai.

kisah tatie

teruja hadek-hadek sekalian tengok abang melukis

 kisah tatie

Majlis Perasmian

pdrm malaysia

Orang ramai tak putus-putus datang..

Ha, dengar kata Pesta ni sedang diusulkan untuk dijadikan sebagai acara tahunan. Jadi atau tidak, tu belakang cerita. Yang pasti, aku sokong jikalau kita adakan pesta ni di setiap negeri.. Yela, rata-rata generasi muda zaman kebanyakan tahu makanan western.. makanan segera.. Kan? kan? Elehhh.. Ngaku jelah. =P

Jom Cuti-Cuti Malaysia Bersama Saya


Redirecting - Ahmad Fauzi Aryaan - Blogger - Blog <b>Makanan di Perak</b>

Posted: 03 Apr 2014 01:22 AM PDT

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua.

Pada 11 Januari 2014 yang lalu, suatu program yang dipanggil PESTA MAKANAN TRADISIONAL LENGGONG 2014 telah berlangsung di DATARAN LENGGONG, LENGGONG PERAK. Pihak media & blogger telah dijemput untuk sama-sama merasai dan juga mempromosikan makanan tradisi dinegeri Perak sekali gus mempromosikan Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014 pada tahun ini.

Pesta makanan tradisional Lenggong ini telah dirasmikan oleh YB. Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri Abd Aziz, Menteri Perlancongan dan Kebudayaan Malaysia. Turut hadir bersama adalah Ahli Parlimen Lenggong, Dato' Seri Shamsul Anuar Nasarah, Adun Kenering Toh Shahbandar Ulu YB Mohamad Termizi Idris, Menteri Besar Perak YAB Dato' Seri Diraja Dr. Zamberi Abdul Kadir dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perlancongan dan kebudayaan negeri, Nolee Ashilin Mohamed Radzi.

Aktiviti disini sangat meriah dengan wujudnya gerai-gerai pameran dari pelbagai agensi dan yang paling utama aktiviti makan-makan dan merasai keuinikan makanan tradisi Negeri Perak.

Yessss patik tak nafikan makanan disini kebanyakkannya adalah makanan yang pertama kali patik rasai. Antara masakan yang patik ingat adalah masak lemak daging rusa, gulai siput sedut, sambal kelapa yang sangat perghhh pedas, gulai umbut pisang hutan, rendang daging masak hitam dan banyak lagi.

Kebanyakkan bahan-bahan masakan mereka perolehi secara tempatan seperti cili padi, belacan, jantung pisang, putik nangka, buah nenas, buah cermai, belimbing dan pelbagai bahan hutan. 

Korang tengok jee laaa meja kami yang sedia terhidang. Semuanya memang sedap-sedap belaka sampaikan kami hanya menjamah lauk sehingga selesai. Meriah kan??

Semoga PESTA MAKANAN TRADISIONAL LENGGONG menjadi acara tahunan demi memperkenalkan makanan tradisi Negeri Perak khasnya dan mempromosikan kehebatan Negeri Perak amnye kepada semua.

-Ahmad Fauzi Aryaan-

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