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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saya cukup PELIK - Blog Makanan di Perak - Blogger - Blog Makanan di Perak

Saya cukup <b>PELIK</b> - Blog <b>Makanan</b> di <b>Perak</b> - Blogger - Blog Makanan di Perak

Saya cukup <b>PELIK</b> - Blog <b>Makanan</b> di <b>Perak</b> - Blogger

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 02:01 AM PDT

Bukan gambar sebenar..

Ipoh: Kehadiran ramai pelanggan lelaki warga asing di sebuah kedai gunting rambut di Jalan Holy di sini, terjawab apabila premis itu didapati menawarkan khidmat tukang gunting wanita seksi yang hanya memakai seluar pendek dan baju dalam.

Kegiatan tidak bermoral itu berjaya dibongkar apabila sepasukan anggota Jabatan Imigresen Perak melakukan serbuan di premis itu yang terletak di Jalan Dato Onn Jaafar, di sini, semalam. Dalam serbuan jam 12.30 tengah hari, anggota Jabatan Imigresen Perak diketuai Timbalan Penolong Pengarah Imigresen Perak, Irwan Zahid melakukan pemeriksaan mengejut di tujuh premis yang menjadi lokasi warga asing Myanmar berkumpul di sini.

Timbalan Penolong Pengarah Imigresen Perak, Wan Mahmud Zuhdi Wan Hassan berkata, operasi tertumpu di empat kedai runcit dan tiga kedai makan popular kalangan warga Myanmar menjamu selera dan membeli pelbagai barangan harian.

Menurutnya, lokasi berkenaan menjadi 'koloni' pendatang asing terutama dari Myanmar menjamu selera dan berkumpul terutama pada hari hujung minggu.

"Ketika serbuan dilakukan kebanyakan warga asing terbabit sedang menggunting rambut dan menjamu selera di dalam premis yang disewa khas.
"Hasil serbuan dilakukan, seramai 23 lelaki warga Myanmar, tiga wanita Myanmar, satu wanita Indonesia dan seorang lelaki Bangladesh berjaya diberkas.
"Semua mereka berusia antara 16 dan54 tahun didapati tidak mempunyai sebarang dokumen sah memasuki negara ini," katanya. (IH)

Blog <b>Makanan</b> di <b>Perak</b>: <b>Aneh</b>, Ada Rumah Sakit Ikan Di India - Blog <b>...</b>

Posted: 30 Apr 2014 01:37 AM PDT

The first part of our travelling mission was from KL to Perak.

We took the ETS train from KL Sentral to Batu Gajah, Perak.

*Something new for us. Electronic train that need to be charged :D

It took us about 2 hours and 15 minutes to reach our destination.

Oh hey, let me introduce you my partner along this trip: Caroline

A Chinese girl from Sibu district, Sarawak.

We are of the same class, undertaking the B. Ed TESL ;)

RM 34 from KL-BT Gajah. Okay la as inside was conducive and comfortable :)

We stayed at our friend's house, Wawa during the visit to Perak.

She is a Malay girl from Batu Gajah, Perak.

Thanks for the great treatment and hospitality! ^___^

The next morning, we went to Cameron Highlands as early as possible since it was holiday, Deepavali celebration and thanks that we did not stuck anywhere.. Hehe

Why I mentioned Pahang in the title as above?

Cameron Highlands is in Pahang state aite aite. Haha

View of CH from top of Rose Valley
Among the places that we have visited:

Tea Garden

MARDI farm
Rose Valley *but no roses captured here. LOL
Happy kid among the tomatoes and flowers, Rose Valley CH.

We also went to places like cactus garden *sound cliche aite.. haha and I bought few cactuses that is varied in colors. *Blame the stunning bright colours!

Another thing that attracted me was the building around Cameron Highlands. They built it with traditional European look which gave the whole environment pretty much of European air too. Hahaha. I would love to be back again here, soon! ^__^

The last point before we leave the hill was a market *aisssshh i really forgot the nammmeee >< where they sell almost everything about Cameron Highlands. From tea to car accessories, and mostly was strawberry-based. Super cute u know! Hahahaha.. I managed to bring back teas in different flavour, fridge magnet and pickled strawberry as well.

Thanks to our guide, and our driver as well Cik Wawa that accompanied us along the visit to Cameron Highlandsss.. :)

THE END of the first part.

Pic courtesy: Caroline

P/S: I am a Dusun girl from Menggatal, Sabah. And if you realise what I'm trying to convey here. Hehehe. One-Malaysia =D

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