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Aidid Mu'addib: Quest International University Perak... For Scammers - Blog Makanan di Perak

Aidid Mu&#39;addib: Quest International University <b>Perak</b>... For Scammers - Blog Makanan di Perak

Aidid Mu&#39;addib: Quest International University <b>Perak</b>... For Scammers

Posted: 11 Oct 2011 11:56 PM PDT

Dengan terkumpulnya ratusan juta ringgit (billion?) kat dalam bank di Hong Kong hasil daripada bzns skim piramid jual duit siling emas (dengan harga 5 kali ganda harga emas semasa) dan jual kaca "coaster" made-in-China dengan harga RM2000 seketul (dengan promosi produk bahawa ianya boleh kasi air bertukar jadi magik dan boleh kasi sihat tubuh-badan, boleh kasi sembuhkan kencing manis dan darah tinggi, dan boleh kasi cure penyakit low IQ, dan kasi jimat minyak, you know... kasi usap-usap kat paip petrol gitu), maka syarikat pengelentong tersohor di dunia dewasa ini - QuestNet/QNet/GoldQuest/Qi (tiap kali kantoi - tukar nama company), kini telah mengorak langkah untuk kasi cuci itu duit laknat (you know, "money laundering") dengan membeli sebuah kolej yang tak laku di Ipoh, dan seterusnya tengah kasi "polish" itu kolej, mahu kasi ianya nampak legit dan berbau wangi - pastu ajak bebudak yang kena reject daripada semua universiti dan kolej di Malaya, untuk join dan belajar di (phew! satu ayat tu der...):

Quest International University Perak, 

New-Age Education For Bloody Freaking Scammers

Setelah dihambat keluar seperti anjing kurap daripada negara-negara berikut: Filipina, Sri Lanka, India, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Turki, Kenya, Rwanda, Ivory Coast, Emiriyah Arab Bersatu, Canada, Amerika Syarikat, Azerbaijan, Iran, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia - kerana menganjurkan skim piramid dengan cara menjual produk merapu dan sekaligus mengalirkan duit rakyat negara tersebut keluar (pegi ke Hong Kong) dan dengan beratus rakyat negara-negara tersebut (sebagai wakil syarikat QuestNet) dibicarakan dan dihumban masuk jail, maka akhirnya QuestNet telah menjumpai sebuah negara yang cukup selesa untuk di-scam kerana rakyatnya ramai yang dungupiang, serta kerajaannya yang "permissive" untuk mereka melakukan skim piramid dengan sewenang-wenangnya tanpa halangan, iaitu (you got it baby!) - MALAYA. Lagi pulak der... umat meleis di Malaya cukup senang dikelentong dengan produk kaca ajaib yang ada "scalar energy" (HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sigh!) yang boleh kasi air bertukar jadi snowflake dan boleh tukarkan air tu siap ada magic power untuk merawat penyakit low IQ... Woohoohoo! Wadefak nya brader? Umat meleis jugak boleh begitu senang kena ayat, dikelentong dengan bzns yang mempunyai pelan pemasaran seperti gambar di atas, tapi ianya diakui sendiri oleh setiap kulibatak, balaci dan pencacai QuestNet bahawa ianya bukanlah pelan skim piramid (HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sigh!)... Dumbass!

Quest International University For Scammers Perak (KPT/JPT/DFT?US/A 05) is a private and less than comprehensive no-research-whatsoever university (it's all about money, money, money... what else?) established by suku-sakat Vijay Eswaran (kepala bapak scammer yang bermastautin di Hong Kong), with the State Government of Perak equity participation, because we all know that with money... anything can be done here in Malaya. Anyway, the politicians (especially in Perak, in this case) couldn't care less where the money came from... be it from pyramid-scheme business what not... as most of them only care about two things: 1. How to win the next election. 2. How to get more money... sorraaaiitt!

The university aims to provide scammers and anak-cucu scammers with the kind of education where no other colleges or universities can provide, and hope to become a leading academic center for people who has the scammers blood in them, from Malaya, the region and the rest of the world. This university for scammers subscribes to build a global knowledge economy like what QuestNet, as a pyramid-scheme mastermind, has done through the years, as to enlarge the number of scammers in this region and the world over.

Sesapa antara korang yang rajin (aku memang males benda sebegini), cuba email atau tulis surat kat Dato', Dato' Seri dan Tan Sri tu semua, tanya: "Apekehenye yeop? Nape kome dengan rela-hati bersekongkong dengan bapak paleketapi scammer skim piramid seantero dunia tanpa banyak soal-selidik? Ater, banyok bebenor ke elaun duit free deme kasi masuk poket, yeop?".

Quest International University for Scammers ia an accredited university (ye ke dol? senang erk dapat akreditasi kat Malaya?) oriented to give low-class teaching about non-existent sciences, pioneering and innovation in pyramid-schemes, and will definitely give all you dumbfucks a comprehensive and exceptional education... especially to scammers or anak-cucu scammers in Malaya, you can bet your bottom dollar man!

Foundation in Business (KA 9505): This programme will provide students with a general understanding of how to do business QuestNet style... you know, the business of pyramid schemes, selling junks to the uneducated and the poor... building network that will crash/collapse in the end... stuffs like that. It is hoped that by increasing the number of meleis doing this kind of crappy business, more Malaysian money can be chanelled to Hong Kong without so much a fuss from KPDNKK or the government of Malaysia, because QuestNet's Vijaya Eswaran has build a university in Perak. Someone who build a university can't be a scammer... right? Right? Right brader? Genius... man! Genius... but a parasite macam haramjadah, nonetheless.

Foundation in Science (KA 9504): This programme is designed for students who wish to embark upon a challenging academic pursuit in medical and applied sciences... especially non-existent sciences, such as "scalar energy", "magic water", "glass coaster from outer space", dan banyak lagi lah bro... you know, all those stupid retarded sciences, made in QuestNet. 

Bachelor of Business Administration (Hon) (KN 10306): This programme will provide students with an in-depth understanding of how pyramid schemes businesses are organised, strategies are developed, decisions are taken, and how these factors impact competitiveness in pyramid schemes and scam businesses, in the world today. Students will be taught comprehensively how the CEO of QuestNet managed to dupe millions of people in Philipines, Sri Lanka, India, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Kenya, Rwanda, Ivory Coast, United Arab Emirates, Canada, United Sates, Azerbaijan, Iran, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia... and then act like it wasn't his fault - after all he was in Hong Kong... how could he be the one at fault huh? Deny deny deny... just give some money, money, money... recipe for success. Yabedabedoo! Like so:

Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) (KN 10305)The Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) programme is a mainstream computing programme aimed at producing graduates capable of managing information and information systems in a wide range of IT environments and in the field of applications development, especially in doing pyramid schemes selling useless coasters via the web. You can't beat online scams baybeh! It's as easy as one-two-three. Students will be taught to be IT literate, and can be proficient in designing websites promoting magic glasses, pendants and unachievable dreams of riches and success (only a few will, the rest will just be kulibatak). That's the way it always goes in any pyramid-scheme-scams my dear readers. Who are they trying to kid anyway? Manusia dungupiang? You betcha!

Faculty of Medicine: As if private medical schools are not enough in Malaysia, the scammers QuestNet from Hong Kong also want to get a piece of the proverbial pie of the lucrative (but lousy standards) of medical institution "business"... AS IF it is still NOT ENOUGH as it is in Malaysia. Who the fuck are these jokers who thinks that Malaysia needs more low quality doctors from low quality institutions... I always wonder. You can't shove a B-average students into a medical schools (and take a huge chunk of their parent's money) and hope that surgeons or physicians will come out rolling like hot-cakes. Who the fuck are these jokers man? But anyway, QuestNet in this particular case is promising something else altogether. They intend to build a medical school that is out of this world man! Colombo OIUCM... they can eat shit! Malaya will be the place for scam doctors of the future, no more Colombo, Sri Lanka... yeah baybeh yeah! They will teach crappy stuffs like these sciences (below) to all those medical students, so that the quality of medical care in Malaysia will increase by leaps and bounds in years to come. No other country in the world will have these kind of medical schools, I kid you not. Yabedabedoo! Wilmaaaaaaa.....!

Plain stinking water can be automatically converted into SNOWFLAKES! Hallelujah!

Or this: 

or this:

or this... belum abis lagik ni brader!

And they also sell these crap jewellery too... 

They have magic energy in them, you know... Woohoohoo!
 They call this - QuestNet Science from ALIENS!


Oh ya, jangan lupa brader...


But, but, but... what the fuck is this... huh all you fucking scammers?

You know people... these are all sciences that really are from outer space (actually, it was brought down by aliens from the planet Tatooine... hasil usaha daripada suku-sakat Jabba The Hut dan Jango Fett), and since Malaya is so permissive of any kind of scams, pyramid schemes, or whatever some assholes-scammers-masterminds have up their sleeves, by nature of the government and the people... there's always a big market for these kinda shit among the uneducated and the poor among the stupid/poor meleis... and since the Malaysian government couldn't care less about such scam businesses (unlike in Filipina, Sri Lanka, India, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Turki, Kenya, Rwanda, Ivory Coast, Emiriyah Arab Bersatu, Canada, Amerika Syarikat, Azerbaijan, Iran, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia... etc.), no wonder these scammers fuckshit like QuestNet, are gladly pouring money into Malaysia... err err err... iye ke dol? Vijay Eswaran is pouring money in Ipoh ka? Seriously? Kat mana universiti QuestNet For Scammers ni nak di bina bang? Where will the scam money comes pouring down like rain... dear sir?

Kat Ipoh buat masa ni - dan kampus tetapnya akan dibina kat area Gua Tempurung - HAHAHAHAHA! Hai nasib la orang yang tinggal area Gua Tempurung... tak abis-abis Gua Tempurung jadi bahan. Dah dekat 20 tahun kawasan Gua Tempurung dah dijanjikan oleh kerajaan Perak dengan pembangunan nak buat kolej, nak buat universiti, ntah apa lagik... lepas satu-satu. Aku ada kawan orang sana, siap mengeluh panjang mamatnya... "apekehenye yeop kampung teman tak sudoh-sudoh jadi modei untuk ahli politik dan ahli perniagaan buat promosi ntahapekejadohnye? Macam cibei pun ade aku nengok yeop... ajer ngan yer!"

As of this moment? Masih lagik hutan-belantara dan semak-samun, berlopak-lopak penuh dengan lombong tinggal, dan ada dua-tiga kebun sayur haram (well at least ada jugak apek cina buat duit buat kebun sayur, nak harap orang melayu... zero). Okay la... aku pernah pegi jenjalan ke Gua Tempurung, ada la sikit kemajuannya. Ada toilet awam, ada gerai makan, dan gua besar kat Gua Tempurung tu sendiri memang menarik kalau korang adventurous dan suka merangkak dalam tempat sempit dan basah... dan jangan lupa bawak torchlight, dan make sure korang tak takut hantu.

Anyway, kat mana Gua Tempurung tuh? Kat sini yeop, yong...

Kelas di Quest University akan dilakukan kat celah daun semak-samun ni ha... duduk ramai-ramai bersebelahan dengan babi hutan, cipan (kalau ada), lintah dan pacat.

Kalau dah scammer tuh... 
Sampai mampuih la kekal scammer. 
Bloody Shit!

Hanya Malaya sahaja yang sanggup kasi scammer tersohor dari Hong Kong buat universiti kat sini... tanpa segan-silu, tanpa usul-periksa. We should all be very very proud... ass!

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